The "Movie Game" is similar in concept to "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon". One person starts the game by naming a movie. The next person names an actor that was in the movie, and the following person in succession names a different movie that the actor was in. This continues on until someone cannot name a corresponding actor or movie, and they are "out". However, if someone would be knocked out of the game because they could not name an actor, the player that named the movie must name another actor from that movie or they are "out" instead. This rule was developed because broadly known actors tend to appear in esoteric films or in cameo roles.
This game can also be easily be implemented as a "drinking game" by imposing "drink" penalties on those that get knocked out, or other house rules such as whenever one names a M. Night Shyamalan movie, or actor in one of his movies, one has to take a "drink". Hint: don't name Die Hard.
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