I feel like I have tapped into the political zeitgeist in some way with my two Robert Reich posts (you can find his blog here). Bill Maher had Robert on his show last Friday (9-17-10) and he is excellent on it. Here are a couple quotes from the HBO site:
Last year, just to give you one example, the top 25 hedge fund managers in this country earned, on average, a billion dollars. A billion dollars each... That would pay for 20,000 teachers. You see how out of whack everything has become?
I think the Democrats are very afraid of being classified as class warriors...because they thing that everybody in America wants to and expects to be rich, and therefore everybody in America believes that one day they're going to be at the top, and therefore, they don't want to be taxed.
I couldn't get to any clips from his show except the Overtime clip, which you can watch here, and Robert does a great job. Bill Maher is up there with Jon Stewart as far as one of the best in the media for running their show with a largely fair group of guests and questions. I love the dialog that happens on Real Time. One of my favorite quotations to describe the government's place happened on Bill's show, said by long time PBS newsman Bill Moyers, paraphrased:
You said you were posting once a day for 100 days. Liar.